Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Wont A Spot On My Leg Stop Twitching


What happened today: I was at university for my books in the Bib leave and noticed that my table is someone else been allocated. Well, at least, the / those of my books lying there in the Bib made for me. And I've now got a table with the guests and sit no longer at the "students". I slide more effective by about 3m ...
Anyway, today was a really hot ****. We are struggling for days with the heat, but today had hats for the first time ° above 40th Alina has won out but also look at the "fresh" air and the dry heat gun of wind out there. Today was also namely 20% humidity. The city is in some places already really brown / yellow because everything is dried up. Well, the brutal heat, we did not do it yet and Alina are with her in the evening went out at half past 6, because it had "just" 36 degrees. But we were on a spree, Sabi has indeed nothing more to wear clothes other than pregnancy. And if one has lived in the corner of Perth designer, you have to exploit the well (Linn says, Sabi, if you someday come here, who exactly your style here). No matter which store we were in their Manduca Alina was the boss, has been all smiles during Sabi tried everything possible has. But after several Shops, a lot of grin, and a lot of short Zwischennickerchen Papa full Abbern she was then done and yet so hungry that they have already started my T-shirt auszuzutzeln. But it was a more effective, Sabi is technically happy clothes and Alina has enjoyed their trip.


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