Saturday, January 30, 2010

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3.If: The wicked game with the online advertising markets

Who would take care of before the internet for a job that will be tripped over it already. Who would ever buy something on the internet or sell is already met them.
As is apparent from the title already, it's about the infamous online classifieds.

What is wrong with these markets?

Well, basically, is the market itself and its concept nothing wrong even in the remotest way. Online advertising markets, in principle an excellent way to present certain products to a wider group of potential buyers. They allow products often at extremely low Prices to get hold of. They provide one reliable employees, the other after years of unemployment at last a regular income.
But that is just the "principle" of these markets. Namely, the devil is certainly in detail and is located in the neck all those who take advantage of such a brilliant platform to bring loppen junk to unsuspecting and credulous or believe their dubious job offers some desperately to turn seekers. Such are always black sheep, but in my experience, especially the mass of bad deals especially in the "Jobs" segment moved me to establish some general rules for you, the users of such platforms, so you might not fall on the nose, just because your only "problem" of the serious will to work is: first

If job offers seem too good to be true, you'd rather hear your inner voice that has exactly what you suggested just maybe.

second Sell not under value! Many feel like they have the simplest and therefore unfortunately also often carry the most poorly paid professions, because it seems to be the easiest way to get at money. Mostly, however, a longer search is working well worth the time. Seek and you shall find! Finally, you want the TV department with a clear conscience leave the store and know that you have previously compared enough prices and models have to be now to ensure that it is to be that TV!

third Want to be careful with personal data! As it happens every now and again, that mix with a dozen reputable providers also a few "bad apples", you should first contact the advertiser rather stingy with your personal data. Also, it is recommended that an extra use for any contacts created email address that is different from the normal address. A provider that I would recommend here is myscene . Here you will really get the opportunity to be rewarded for taking place correspondence.

4th You have time! Do not be concluded by "urgent Contracts "unsettling. Of course there are certain industries only certain timetable, the daily stand for certain types of activities and for many a training course there are time limits to comply, but ultimately decided rather the inclusion of the appropriate employee and not the quick setting of a inappropriate employee. know this company just like you.

fifth Accurate display viewing! pinched close attention to how an advertiser's ad has created. power the display has a hastily written impression, then this is be a mass seller. Such people use online advertising portal for advertising on certain MLM (multi level marketing) - Structures. 20 portals to advertise on a day that a reliable employee can earn in the perfect home office for a whole bunch of coal. This may be true but not without a great idea and having such MLM Sturkturen or distribution is usually not. Depending on what kind of job you are looking for or do not want to do, you should also to words of the sales, telemarketing, purchase, sales, customer care "(used recently shamelessly as a synonym for telemarketing), eighth etc..

6th Pay attention to the conversation history! Once you have returned to a display, begins a correspondence. Using this correspondence, together with any mood one can learn many, what type of activity it is, for example, a job, as necessary, staff will be sought as to how the setting "ticking" and many more.
Do not forget: you have time and you should take in making contacts to find out everything worth knowing.

7th Full details! Make when writing ads entirely clear what you are looking for! If you are not interested in MLM, sales professionals, call centers, etc., then you should also put it like that!

8th Contracts! Good contracts make good partners. to be met if you should ever have the luck to a great and promising offer, do not forget anything with a binding agreement, a contract to hedge. Keep in mind also that you want to earn money! Activities in which you have to go in advance, should certainly be questioned critically. Stay away even from contracts where extra burdens, such as imposing a subscription. (See also the 1st case!)

It is quite difficult for me to note everything you need for successful action on online advertising portal. But the inner credo, which I would like to suggest at this point certainly is, again: ". Discretion is the better part of valor"

In this sense:

Good luck!

PS: If you are really looking for work, then search their job "outside"! Where you approach directly to potential employers often offer the best employment opportunities.
For those that may occur as the employer only through the Internet has to hide something ...


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